Desert Dweller

“Hey Jtree”

Artist: VVD WNDWS © 2018

Tree Name: Desert Dweller

Pronouns: They/Them

Yo, let me just start by saying if you don’t believe in climate change, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Pun intended. I love this planet and am hoping to find a lady-friend who’s right there with me. A lot of people are interested in superficial relationships. They want to hang out once or twice a year, take some selfies, maybe plaster my face all over their latest album cover or T-shirt design. They don’t even know my real name. In the words of Bob Dylan, “It ain’t me babe”.

Why am I online dating? The neighborhood is thinning out with all the funding cuts, poor air quality, drought… it’s making it harder to find the real deal.  But, I know she’s out there; gorgeous and doing her part for a brighter future. #TrueLove #ActivisimIsHot

Interests: Keepin’ it local

Music: U2, Gram Parsons, acoustic guitar by the campfire. The harmonica.

Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and anything he influenced.

Art: Too much to name. Google “Joshua Tree Artists” and be amazed.

Rock Climbers: Jim Bridwell (RIP), Todd Gordon, Tucker Tech. All legends.

Restaurants: Pappy & Harriet’s, Pie for the People, Crossroads Cafe, Sam’s Indian Food

Favorite Hikes: Real Hidden Valley Loop, Ryan Mountain, Boy Scout Trail (boulder version)

Activities: Farmer’s Market, J-Tree Music Festival, stargazing, Gem and Geode Show

My perfect date: Watching the black inky silhouettes of rocks and trees dance against a purple sky while the coyotes sing and the scent of creosote floats on the warm breeze. You’re there too ; )

Hit me up if you’re for real and a romantic ; )

Featured writer Lacey Worel

One letter to tree “Desert Dweller

  1. Hey Sixteen,
    Let me introduce myself. My name is Dina, and I had the pleasure of gaining more knowledge about the Joshua Tree through a wonderful human named Juniper. She spoke of many of you at the Joshua Tree Music Festival. I learned so much and right away found myself even more drawn to the beautiful Joshua Trees that grow out in the desert. I was glad to have found you on this website!
    Anyhow, I was immediately taken by your beauty. I think your have a stunning presence about you, in such a way as if you are calling out to me saying; “hey! come by and visit me, you know you want to”. You are right, I do, i’d love to visit you. Your branches stretch out in such a playful way, free and far, reaching out to feel the warm desert sun. Letting the wind glide through as you stay strong and steady. I see you love the boulders that share your space. It is indeed a beautiful spot to live. I can only imagine how happy you must feel to live in such a beautiful place as Joshua Tree.
    Living so close to the climbing access trail I can just imagine how many lucky visitors get to see you as they pass you by.
    Yes….yes I would love to see you in person. I hope to come visit you sometime soon.
    Please continue to enjoy your beautiful surroundings and let your roots grow deep into the ground, find your source of food and all the nutrients that you need to continue growing into that beautiful Joshua Tree that you are. Until… one day soon beautiful Sixteen.
    Much love, Dina

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